Growth plate injury, or injury to physeal plate in children are not uncommon. About over 10% of children fractures are involved growth plate. In children A cartilaginous plate seen between metaphysis and epiphysis, Microscopically growth plate has 4 layers-
1. Germinal layer
2. Proliferating layer
3.Hypertrophic zone
4.Calcified layer.
Common site of injury: HYPERTROPHIC and CALCIFIED zone
CLASSIFICATION : Salter and Harris Classification,
5 basic type of injury:
1. Type I :A transverse fracture line through hypertrophic or calcified zone,
Growth disturbance is uncommon.
2. Type II: Similar to type 1,with fracture of metaphysis at the edge, traingular shape(Thurston-Holland fragment).
3. Type III: Similar to type 1,with fracture of epiphysis.involved hypertrophic layer,damege of reproductive layer ,growth disturbance common
4. Type IV: As with type 3, fracture splits epiphysis and metaphysis, displacement common, growth disturbance also common.
5.Type V: Longitudinal compression injury, growth plate may be crushed and growth arrest common.
Another one considered as type VI involved the perichondrial ring (peripheral zone of Ranvier)
Mechanism of injury:
Falls Or traction injury
common in road accident, and sports injury
Clinical feature : Common age 10 to 12 years, or in infancy
H/O - Trauma, with pain, swelling, near the joint .
Local tenderness, painful joint movement .
X-Ray :
If there is marked displacement, diagnosis is obvious, undisplaced fracture is hard to diagnose in x-ray, as physis is radiolucent and epiphysis may incompletely ossified.
Comparison to normal side may help.
Repeat x-ray after 4 to 5 days is essential if any suspicious.
In case of type 5 and 6 ,CT ,MRI may required.
Undisplaced : Splinting 2-4 weeks(according to age and site)
If type 3 or 4 - X-ray at 4th and 10th day for late displaced missing.
Displaced :For type 1 &2 ,--- close reduction as soon as possible, and splinted for 3 to 6 weeks
For type 3 or 4 --- Gentle manipulation under general anesthesia,for close reduction and then splinted for 4 to 8 weeks. If not reduced then go for open reduction & internal fixation with smooth K Wire , & splinted for 4 to 6 weeks.
Type 1 & 2 if not reduced, malunion, non union may occur, in case of type 3 or 4 -asymmetric growth and verus or valgus deformity .In case of type 5 or 6 --Premature fusion of growth cartilage may occur, if size of fusion is less than 1/3 rd of the wide of plate .it can be excised. If large one operation contraindicated.
REF; Apply,s system of orthopedics ( p 727),Campbell,s operative ortho(p)